Legal Community Drives Thank You

Thank you for your support In 2021!!
We are grateful for the generosity of the Boston area's legal community in supporting access to justice for all. With your partnership, we are making a difference in our community.
LEADERSHIP LEAGUE - (Firms that donated $850 or more per Boston attorney)
Choate | Meehan, Boyle, Black & Bogdanow |
Goodwin | Ropes & Gray |
Goulston & Storrs | Skadden |
Hemenway & Barnes | Sugarman and Sugarman |
McNeill Baur | WilmerHale |
PACESETTER LEAGUE - (Firms that donated $700 - $849 per Boston attorney)
Foley Hoag | |
Nixon Peabody | |
Sullivan & Worcester |
REGINALD HEBER SMITH LEAGUE - (Firms that donated $550 - $699 per Boston attorney)
Fish & Richardson | |
Landay Leblang Stern | |
Morgan Lewis |
PRESIDENT’S LEAGUE - (Firms that donated $400 - $549 per Boston attorney)
Davis Malm | |
Gilmore, Rees & Carlson | |
Morrison & Foerster | |
Nutter |
SUPPORTER LEAGUE - (Firms that donated $250 - $399 per Boston attorney)
Barnes & Thornburg | Locke Lord |
Brown Rudnick | Potomac Law |
Burns & Levinson | Proskauer |
Hogan Lovells | Robinson+Cole |
Jones Day | Verrill |
FRIENDS LEAGUE - (Firms that donated up to $249 per Boston attorney)
Adler, Cohen, Harvey, Wakeman & Guekguezian, LLP | Lathrop GPM |
Bernkopf Goodman | Lawson & Weitzen |
Casner & Edwards | Messing, Rudavsky & Weliky |
Cetrulo LLP | Mintz |
Conn Kavanaugh | Murtha Cullina |
Dain Torpy | Nolan Sheehan Patten |
Dechert LLP | Petrucelly, Norris & Minsch, PC |
Faber Daeufer & Itrato | Seyfarth |
Foley & Lardner LLP | Sidley |
Hamilton Brook Smith Reynolds | Smith Duggan |
Healy, Fiske, Richmond & Matthew, LLP | Stoneman, Chandler & Miller LLP |
Hinckley Allen | Sugarman Rogers |
Kirkland & Ellis | Swartz & Swartz, P.C. |
Klein Hornig | Tarlow, Breed, Hart & Rodgers, P.C. |
Kotin, Crabtree & Strong | Troutman Pepper |
Krems, Jackowitz & Carman, LLP | Wilson Sonsini |
Krokidas & Bluestein | Wolf Greenfield |
Laredo & Smith | Womble Bond Dickinson |
LAW FIRM FELLOWSHIPS - (Firms that donated to support the salaries of individual GBLS attorneys)
Finnegan | Morrison & Foerster |
Goodwin | Ropes & Gray |
Mintz | WilmerHale |
The following generous corporations contributed to the 2021 Corporate Fund Drive.
Analog Devices | Hoffman Alvary |
Arbella Insurance Foundation | Hologic |
Biogen | Liberty Mutual |
BioMed Realty | LPL Financial |
Boston Globe | MilliporeSigma |
Citrix | Plymouth Rock Assurance |
Copyright Clearance Center | Raytheon |
Fiduciary Trust | State Street |
Floyd Advisory | TripAdvisor |
Attorneys from the following corporate legal departments participated in the 2021 In-House Counsel Drive.
The Belgrade Group | Liberty Mutual Insurance |
Coverys | MFS Investment Management |
Eaton Vance | Natixis |
Fidelity Investments | State Street Bank and Trust Company |
Fiduciary Trust Company | Vertex |
Harvard Management Company, Inc | Wellington |