Who We Serve

GBLS represents low-income individuals and families in Boston and 31 additional cities and towns in the Greater Boston area, assisting individual clients to secure some of the most basic necessities of life as well as addressing systemic problems that adversely impact their lives. We also represent community groups in advancing the interests of their low-income constituents and provide community legal education. We give advice and represent people in court, before agencies, and before city councils and the state legislature.

In 2024, GBLS handled over 14,743 matters, providing critical legal assistance to more than 12,000 people living in poverty. Of the clients we served, 63% identify as women; 83% identify as people of color; and 20% were ages 60 and older. Our caseload broke down as follows:
30% housing; 18% immigration; 14% employment/unemployment; 10% income maintenance; 8% consumer rights; 6% criminal record history (CORI) sealing or expungement; 6% family;
2% health and disability; 2% Social Security or SSI; and 4% fell into other categories.

Legal Problems Handled 

image of who we serve pie chart 2024





GBLS Helps a Mother Regain Physical Custody of Her Son from Her Abusive Partner

"Mary" is a client who was severely physically and verbally abused by her partner “Ralph”. When Mary suffered from post-partum depression after the birth of their son “Sam”, Ralph convinced Mary to sign over custody of Sam. He then proceeded to throw Mary and her older son out of the house. Ralph…

Read Our Clients' Stories